Breslov – Basic Judaism

Judaism –> Breslove

 “If you believe that you can damage, believe you can fix.” 

– Rebbe Nachman of Breslov

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov was the great-grandson of Rebbe Yisrael, the Baal Shem Tov—‘Master of the Good Name’—founder of the Chassidic movement. Rebbe Nachman was born in 1772 (1 Nisan 5532) in the Ukrainian town of Medzeboz. He grew to be an outstanding tzaddik (saint), Torah sage, teacher and Chassidic master. During his lifetime he attracted a devoted following of chassidim who looked to him as their prime source of spiritual guidance in their quest for God, as ‘the Rebbe.’ From the autumn of 1802 until the spring of 1810 Rebbe Nachman lived in Breslov, Ukraine. He then moved to Uman where he passed away from tuberculosis six months later (18 Tishrei 5571), at the age of thirty-eight. He is buried there till today.

Rebbe Nachman was a Kabbalist and a mystic of the highest order, and yet at the same time was artlessly practical and down-to-earth. He told tales of princes and princesses, beggars and kings, demons and saints and he taught of the need to live with faith, honesty and simplicity.

When Rebbe Nachman passed away his followers saw no one to take his place. Instead of appointing a new rebbe, they continued to turn to Rebbe Nachman’s teachings for inspiration and guidance, continuing to look to him as “the Rebbe.” The Breslover Chassidim have done so ever since, studying his writings and endeavoring to follow his teachings in their day-to-day lives. In this sense Rebbe Nachman is still the leader of the Breslover Chassidim.

Reb Noson was born to a well-to-do family in Nemirov, Ukraine in 1780 (15 Shevat 5540). Already in his early teens he was an accomplished Talmud scholar. He married the daughter of Rabbi Dovid Tzvi Orbach, a prominent rabbinic authority. Despite his religious and material success, Reb Noson felt a spiritual void, which he ceaselessly tried to fill. He was unsuccessful until he met Rebbe Nachman.

Reb Noson met Rebbe Nachman in 1802, just a few weeks after Rebbe Nachman settled in Breslov. For the remainder of Rebbe Nachman’s life—and his life—Reb Noson was a devoted disciple of Rebbe Nachman. We are indebted to Reb Noson for recording Rebbe Nachman’s works, for as Rebbe Nachman himself said, “If not for my Noson, not a page of my teachings would remain!” Reb Noson passed away in Breslov in the winter of 1844 (10 Tevet 5605) where he is buried.

One sampling of Reb Noson’s prayers, based on Rebbe Nachman’s Likutey Moharan, is from Breslov Research’s 50th Gate. Another sampling, arranged by topic, is from BRI’s Flame of the Heart.

Introduction to the teachings of the chassidic master Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810).

Shortly before his passing, Rebbe Nachman told his followers that his influence would long endure. “My fire will burn until the Mashiach (Messiah) comes.” Generations of readers have been enthralled and inspired by his writings, which have been explored and interpreted by scholars around the world.

The growing interest in Rebbe Nachman—among academicians and laymen alike—led to the establishment of the Breslov Research Institute in 1979. Since then a team of scholars has been engaged in research into the texts, oral traditions and music of the Breslov movement. The purpose of the Institute is to publish authoritative translations, commentaries and general works on Breslov Chassidut. Projects also include the recording of Breslov songs and melodies on cassettes, CDs and in music book form.

  • The Writings is a link to a number of works of Rebbe Nachman himself, and to his major disiciple, Reb Noson.
  • Parsha and Siddur leads to a collection of short pieces on the weekly Torah readings and the Siddur (prayerbook).
  • The Tikun HaKlali is for those whose sexuality has been adversely affected, on-line or off.
  • With our Catalog you can purchase our publications and cassettes on-line.
  • The Chair tells you about Rebbe Nachman’s famous chair.
Wings of the Sun: Judaism has its own distinctive approach to healing, giving pride of place to the health of the soul. Rooted in the Bible, Talmud and Kabbalah, this tradition finds its fullest expression in the teachings of the outstanding Chassidic luminary, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810). The Wings of the Sun is a clear, informative study of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings on healing, providing sound yet easily understood explanations of profound kabbalistic concepts, and offering a wealth of practical guidance for those facing illness or caring for the sick. Topics include: Healing in the Bible & Talmud, The Rambam (Maimonides) on Health, The Baal Shem Tov as a Healer, Kabbalah’s View of the Human Body, The Ten Pulses, The Ten Kinds of Song/Translations of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings on healing with full commentary/Prayer & Meditation, Diet & Exercise, How to Keep Healthy, Common Medical Problems, Facing Serious Illness, and Recovery. Author: Avraham Greenbaum

by Chaim Kramer

Who is Mashiach? What type of person will he be? What leadership qualities will he possess? What will life be like after he comes? What is Mashiach’s mission? What must he do to bring the world to perfection? How will he achieve it? When is he coming? This book provides full and satisfying answers to these and many more questions. The entire book is soundly based on teachings about Mashiach in the Bible, Talmud, Midrash and kabbalah, together with insighs from the writings of Rebbe Nachman.

Crossing the Narrow Bridge: A Practical Guide to Rebbe Nachman’s Teachings

by Chaim Kramer; edited by Moshe Mykoff

Rebbe Nachman said, “The world is a very narrow bridge. The main thing is not be afraid” (Likutey Moharan II, #48). Lively, down-to-earth and easy to read, this book gives clear, detailed guidance as how to apply Rebbe Nachman’s teachings in modern everyday life. Subjects covered range from faith, truth, joy and meditation to earning a living, health-care and bringing up children. Containing a wealth of anecdotes from the lives of leading Breslover Chassidim of recent times, together with their oral teachings, this works answers many of the practical questions that puzzle those who have begun to make their acquaintance with Breslov.

Size 5.5″x8.5″ 452 pages. Appendices. Hardback. ISBN 0-930213-40-8

Under the Table & How to Get Up Jewish Pathways of Spiritual Growth by Avraham Greenbaum – “The king’s son had gone crazy. He thought he was a turkey. He felt he had to sit naked under the table and eat crumbs. None of the doctors could do anything for him… Until a mysterious Wise Man appeared, sat down right next to the Prince, and cured him in a simple and highly original way.” [read more..]

Rebbe Nachman of Breslov was the great-grandson of Rebbe Yisrael, the Baal Shem Tov—Master of the Good Name— founder of the Chassidic movement. Rebbe Nachman was born in 1772 (1 Nisan 5532) in the Ukrainian town of Medzeboz. He grew to be an outstanding tzaddik (saint), Torah sage, teacher and Chassidic master. During his lifetime he attracted a devoted following of chassidim who looked to him as their prime source of spiritual guidance in their quest for God, as the ‘Rebbe.’ From the autumn of 1802 until the spring of 1810 Rebbe Nachman lived in Breslov, Ukraine. He then moved to Uman where he passed away from tuberculosis six months later (18 Tishrei 5571), at the age of thirty-eight. He is buried there till today.

Translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

The Sages always told stories to convey some of the deepest secrets about God and His relation to the creation. Rebbe Nachman developed this ancient method to perfection. More elaborate than any of his other teachings, his stories are fast-moving, richly structured and filled with penetrating insights — while spellbinding and entertaining. Rabbi Kaplan’s translation is accompanied by a masterful commentary drawn from the works of Rebbe Nachman’s pupils. Nowhere else does the English-speaking reader have access to the authentic interpretations of the stories.

Translated by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan
Edited by Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld

This classic work collects Rebbe Nachman’s conversations which range from comments on practical everyday topics to fundamental teachings about joy, faith and meditation, as well as explanations of the Kabbalah. The conversations were recorded verbatim, giving a vivid picture of the atmosphere surrounding the Master, his wit, directness and wisdom.
Also included is an account of Rebbe Nachman’s adventure-filled pilgrimage to the Holy Land at the height of the Napoleonic wars in 1798.

Translated by Avraham Greenbaum

This work is an intimate biographical portrait of Rebbe Nachman by his closest disciple, Reb Noson, the one who knew him best. It includes numerous conversations, information relating to Rebbe Nachman’s lessons, and a variety of his sayings, stories, dreams and visions. Annotated, with full source references and supplementary information.

Translated by Moshe Mykoff and Simcha Bergman Notes by Chaim Kramer Edited by Moshe Mykoff and Ozer Bergman

The first authoritative translation of Rebbe Nachman’s magnum opus, presented with facing punctuated Hebrew text, full explanatory notes, source references and supplementary information relating to individual lessons. With appendices of a variety of charts to assist the reader with the kabbalastic teachings found in the text. Volume 1 contains Reb Noson’s introduction to the original work, short biographies of Rebbe Nachman and Reb Noson and a bibliography.